10 Amazing Places to Submit Script (2024)

You just wrote your first AMAZING script, or maybe you’ve written a couple of scripts.

But you have zero connections to HOLLYWOOD or Netflix producers, agents, and managers.

Well, don’t worry. You’ve come to the right place I’m going to show you where and how thousands of people are submitting screenplays today.

I made this table which is an even more exhaustive list of places you can submit your script. I hope you find it useful!

1.) IMDB Pro

Why is IMDBPro.com at the top of this list?

Its the only way to connect to every agent, manager, and production company throughout the world. Now let me show you step by step how to submit your scripts.

This is what you do:

Step 1

Find a movie that is similar to the script you wrote.

For example, if you wrote a horror film, find horror movies that are similar in style tone, etc.

Step 2

Google the film to find the writer or writers who wrote the film. They should have an IMDB page attached to the search results you can click.

Let’s walk through an example:

Let’s say we wrote a mystery. and your film is kind of like the 2019 Escape Room.

Great, now let’s find his IMDB page.

Let’s click through and BOOM. Simple.

Since most won’t try, you will set yourself apart from 90% of people by putting in the extra work. Straight FACTS.

TIP# 2 How much does it cost?

IMDB Pro does cost but they do have a free thirty-day trial

So I suggest making a list of films in step 1 in advance before starting your account. That way, you can submit to dozens putting your free trial to work.

But if you’re a serious screenwriter who wants to get movies made. Paying for this yearly service won’t be a problem.

2. BBC Writers Room

The BBC writer’s room is a great place if your a TV writer.


The first round of submissions are for comedy scripts only between March and April. The second are for Drama scripts.

This is what you do:

Step 1

Once you’ve written a killer script, please just take a moment to double-check their guidelines.

Nothing is worse than to have your chance taken because you didn’t do something correctly.

They have more guidelines listed here.

Step 2

Then you’ve finished.

You have two ways to send your script to them. One way is through the website. The second is through email.

Details will be made clearer closer to the date of acceptance.

3. Nicholl Fellowship

What is the Nicholl Fellowship? It’s the only screenwriting competition that is run by the Academy.

They are allowing only amateur screenwriters to submit their screenplay to be judged by a panel of professionals.

Why submit your script here?

Along with winning $35,000 in cash.

This is what you do:

Step 1

Navigate to the register/sign-in button under how to apply at this link.

Register if you’re a first time user.

After you register you can log in like normal. Then you will be prompted to begin the 7 step application process.

Then hit submit and you’re finished.

4. BackStage

Backstage.com made this list for being a great resource for finding agents and management.

This is, unfortunately, is one of the only ways to represent your material in this day and age.

But we’ve searched to provide you the link to apply.

This is what you do:

Step 1

Step 2

Search until you find agencies that accept screenwriters.

Step 3

Next, click through.

Sign up to view the information needed to contact them.

But if you dig deep enough through Google you might find what you’re looking for.

I suggest signing up for this service because most of the contracts are very hard to find via search engines.

5.) The Black List

The black List is a site where you the screenwriter can host your scripts onto a database.

Here’s what you do:

Step 1

Sign up by registering a new account. If you don’t already have one.

Step 2

I recommend getting an evaluation from them.

Again, a high score could get you a sale. A 10 will at least almost guarantee you an agent. that will then lead you to a sale.

After signing up you should be able to upload submit your screenplay no problem.

If you do have any difficulty they have great customer service.

6. Script Reader Prof

This is a site kind of like Freshmen Screenplay the only difference being they have a script reader service.

What makes this service special is they have professional screenwriters reviewing scripts.

Check out Script Reader Pro.

Each reader is a professional with Hollywood experience.

With connections with some of the top film companies in the world.

If your script is excellent they may ask you if they can submit it to their agent.

I’ve actually written an entire page explaining what you get when you work with them.

Read more about how Script Reader Pro works in this post I wrote.

7. InkTip

InkTip works similarly to The Blacklist in that it’s a hosting script platform. But there are three main differences between InkTip and Blacklist:

  1. You can upload just your logline and synopsis.
  2. They have a newsletter that gives you insider knowledge of specific industry professionals.
  3. They have a running list of almost 400 films that have been made from writers on their platform.

How does InkTip’s newsletter work?

6 to 8 producers a week to be exact.

Then you submit your query letters DIRECTLY TO THE PRODUCER. No middle man.

Unlike the blacklist, they have a running list of every film they help get made.

Each year an average of 28 films are added to that list. The proof is in the results.

8. Warner Bros. Writing Program

Year after year the Warner Bros Workshop chooses 8 screenwriters out of 2,500 submissions and gives them access to executives agents and managers.


Why? because they are nice people? This might be true but the reason is:

They want and need good writers to hire.

If accepted you will get:

  • A simulated writer’s room with real working conditions to see how you perform.

If you do great you will be signed.

One thing to note you have to write a script from one of their current active running shows.

For example:

I hope you like superheroes and dramas.

What are they looking for? They have it write on their submissions page.

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